An annex should:
- Explain how the organization will carry out a broad function such as a medical surge or business continuity in any emergency.
- Add information about special planning needs related to a specific hazard, threat, or incident type.
- Which hazard-specific annexes are included depends on the community’s hazard vulnerability analysis. For example, a community in California would probably include an earthquake annex; a community in Florida would probably include a hurricane annex; and a community in the Midwest would undoubtedly include an annex that addresses tornadoes.
- Recognize that the Incident Command System will be utilized to manage events.
- Annexes should support not override the objectives, strategies and tactics selected by the Incident Management Team.
An annex should not:
- Repeat information that is contained in the organization’s capstone Emergency Operations Plan.
Contact A Better Emergency today and let us use our extensive experience to develop annexes your organization needs to maintain operations during and after an emergency.