After forty years of experience in emergency medical services, law enforcement, fire service, emergency management and healthcare I think the topic covered in this operations guide is critical. I never worry if operations-level personnel will do their job. What I have seen and what I worry about is poor incident management. The result of which is not enabling operations to do their job either safely or efficiently. At best poor incident management wastes resources. At worst, it hurts or kills people needlessly.
There’s a reason this book is so short. The Incident Command System (ICS) is not and should not be difficult. I wanted this book to allow someone to put on a class and use the need to know material. I also wanted this book to serve as a reference for initial incident management. I hope by the time readers breeze through the book they will have a better skill set to revise, customize and practice using the ICS within their organization.
I understand that regardless of how intuitive I have tried to present the material, there’s a learning curve. To better ensure success I offer a Train-the-Trainer course to go along with this operations guide. We’ll walk through the guide as a lesson plan for teaching the ICS and the planning process. We’ll make sure your people are comfortable with writing Incident Action Plans and conducting short exercises. At the conclusion you’ll be better prepared to take over the sustainment of incorporating the ICS into your organization’s operations.
For more details about this Train-the-Trainer service or scheduling opportunities, please email