Practical skills competency sheets and written quizzes can be administered.
Topic Time Allotment
Mechanism of Injury 1 hour
Critical Patient Assessment & Management – Trauma 1 hour
Critical Patient Assessment & Management – Medical 1 hour
Head Trauma 1 hour
Musculoskeletal / Soft Tissue 1 hour
Environmental Injuries 1 hour
Medicine Across the Barricade 1 hour
Gunshot Injuries 1 hour
Blast Injuries 1 hour
Chemical Threats – Recognition and Treatment 1 hour
Biological Threats – Recognition and Treatment 1 hour
Radiological Threats – recognition and Treatment 1 hour
Active Shooter 1 hour
Burns 1 hour
Practical ICS 1 hour
Special Considerations – Geriatric / Pediatric / OB/GYN 1 hour
Case Reviews 1 hour
Blood Loss Estimation Skill Station 1 hour
Splinting/Bandaging Skill Station 1 hour
Mini Scenario Skill Station 1 hour
PPE for Highly Infectious Diseases Skill Station 1 hour
Sensory Deprived Patient Assessment Skill Station 1 hour
Mass Casualty Incident Exercise* 3-8 hours
* We strongly recommend the addition of moulage in the MCI Exercise. The addition of moulage supports the sensory perception in a training exercise, assisting the responder in confirming the physical signs that support the diagnosis and enabling discovery of data pertinent to assess patient status. Additionally, sensory prompting encourages responders to gather additional information relevant to the correct treatment —all of which increases knowledge and performance in response time, evaluation clues, critical thinking, realism and sensory engagement. We work with our colleague at Moulage Concepts for this additional service.