I asked the question: “Are we better prepared post September 11, 2001?” We discussed “Are we safer, both here in the United States, and since we declared a global war on terrorism, is the global community safer”. The majority of people who commented seemed to think we have made some progress in preparedness. The answer to safety in the United States seems to lean towards yes we are, based upon the fact that another attack similar to September 11, 2001 has not occurred. There seems to be questions that the globe is safer than before, and some feel it is a more dangerous place.
I am not looking for a debate on the wisdom and necessity of the “Iraqi War, for national security, humanitarian or other essential reasons. I am more interested in what impact the Patriot Act, DHS, TSA and other initiatives that were put in place as a result of the attack have had on you personally. In other words what has been the cost in money, inconvenience, or other tangible evidence of our being safer here in the United States to you? For example, my family use to travel to Canada on a regular basis, crossing the border using a drivers license and birth certificates. Now we all need passports, so there has been a direct cost. I fly regularly, so we know how that has changed.
Let’s not forget that the men and women of the US Military have paid a dear price for our safety. Since October 7, 2001 through the first part of August 2011, approximately 4,883 have died and 32,799 have been injured. It is quite likely that readers of this will either have relatives in the service or know people who are working every day to keep us safe, this is real cost of our safety here at home. Numerous nations have assisted in this effort, and they too have soldiers who have paid the ultimate price for helping to keep us safe.
If we are indeed safer due to the absence of another attack, lets hear some examples of what the measures taken since the attacks of September 11, 2001 have had on you.
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