I have been a proponent of development of an Incident Action Plan that would be agreed upon to be implemented by all parties (local, county, state, Native American, Inuit, Japan and Canada) to ensure consistency in addressing sensitive material that may be coming ashore. I would hate to see each individual jurisdiction coming up with their own process to handle human remains for example.
Common priorities in Event Planning among public safety and emergency management agencies are listed below:
1. Life Safety (assess for radioactivity or other hazards)
2. Incident Stabilization (protect debris as a crash scene to prevent unintentional spreading of the debris)
3. Property Conservation (remove debris to safe sight with chain of custody considerations)
4. Protect the Environment (similar to hazards to humans, assess for other ecological impact and mitigate)
5. Promote a Return to Normalcy ( sort debris and ensure proper disposition per agreed upon procedures in the Incident Action Plan)
Accomplishing the development of a written Incident Action Plan is quite straightforward if the agencies having jurisdiction enable such a planning process. I suggest interested persons join me in developing and marketing a Mission Ready Package for use as an EMAC asset.
I would be interested in working with you on developing MRPs for EMAC use. I been part of an MRP workgroup for NAACHO and have been on an EMAC deployment during Katrina.