Capabilities of both teams is based upon real-world constraints. The Blue Team can’t use resources they don’t have. Like-wise the Red Team will reflect the motivations and capacity of known threat elements within striking distance of the area. The teams conduct their planning efforts separate from the others under the guidance of the course facilitator to “keep them honest” on both sides.
At the conclusion of their planning time we move into the TTX portion of the course where the event draws near and each team will attempt to implement their plans. In some cases the Blue Team’s plan disrupts or mitigates the Red Teams attempts. In other cases, the Red Team is able to successfully carry out their plan or a reduced version of their attack.
Participants are lead through a hot-wash to allow both teams to give their side of their planning. What they found difficult and what was easy. The end result is all participants come away with a better understanding of proper planning and thinking like the other team. No one can disrupt a venue, business or organization like an insider. Conversely, forcing planners to think like their enemy goes a long way in discovering vulnerabilities. Through this exercise participants learn and practice hardening of targets in a strategic manner.
Target Audience: Public and private companies, organizations, churches, hospitals, schools, businesses and any venue hosting groups of people.
Duration: Full-day course
For more details about the course or scheduling opportunities, please email abetteremergency@gmail.com.