Disease Transmission 101 – Keeping You Safe From TSA
I could be upping my chances that this post will get me pulled out for “random” screening, but it’s a life safety issue. I fly quite a bit and participate [...]
I could be upping my chances that this post will get me pulled out for “random” screening, but it’s a life safety issue. I fly quite a bit and participate [...]
I’ve been involved in planning for a Cascadia earthquake/tsunami event and a New Madrid earthquake event so I know what a catastrophe will look like. I have not been involved [...]
Globally we know that the impoverished are disproportionately impacted by disasters both in direct affects and recovery. With the hurricane season of 2017 and the current struggles in Puerto Rico [...]
Kevin Dawson a semi-retired fire-fighter got a hold of me through LinkedIn asking if I would take a look at his product. I am very picky when it comes to [...]
As I'm writing this, Texas is still in an active emergency response mode so many answers are months away from discovery but I think one thing needs to be stated. [...]
I once thought that a disturbed ants nest was a great example of high entropy. It’s not. Don’t believe me? Go kick a fire ant nest and stand there. A [...]
Ask this question of most public safety personnel and they will respond "my safety is most important, because if I am injured or killed, I can't do anyone any good", [...]
Has your management team had a discussion on the overall goal of your organization's or community's seasonal and pandemic influenza mitigation plan including the role of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions? If [...]
After reading this article regarding EMS Delays in Rural Areas I'm convinced with some thoughtful planning, placement and marketing the Mobilize Rescue System could go a long way towards filling [...]
Reading this article about body armor for First Responders I got to thinking about what I would propose to management if I were responsible for the safety of a large contingent [...]