The quality of planning documents and effectiveness of training can’t be gauged until these have been tested. We provide exercises that build from existing plans and training efforts, and supply scenarios that are realistic as possible. Exercises can be discussion-based, table-top, functional, or full-scale, depending on your needs.

Consider these reasons to add exercises to your preparedness efforts:

  1. Consistency. Build more consistent performance through a series of short exercises throughout the year.  The more your teams exercise, the more they retain the needed skills to initiate key actions during an event.
  2. Focus. Why follow an arbitrary set of recommendations? The areas of interest and demonstrated needs for your organization should be the focus of an exercise. We can help you review the after action reports from past exercises or facilitate discussions with key staff to discover areas where your organization needs the most assistance. We can then develop an exercise program that results in personnel actually being able to demonstrate competency.
  3. Realism. While exercises don’t need to be elaborate or include every possibility, they should strive for realism. Often, presenting a simple set of adverse conditions is enough to move your organization ahead. For example, if participants forget to address emergency lighting, let them struggle in the dark. It will be the last time they make that mistake. Pretending away problems during exercises results in people failing in real life events.

Contact A Better Emergency

I am available either for piece work or through a master service agreement to provide support for all levels of exercise needs. Contact me today at to begin your exercise engagement.