Verticle Evacuation – Best Uses?
As an Incident Commander I would call vertical evacuation a strategy if my objective was determined to be "provide for the immediate safety of coastal residents after a strong offshore [...]
As an Incident Commander I would call vertical evacuation a strategy if my objective was determined to be "provide for the immediate safety of coastal residents after a strong offshore [...]
Over the next twelve months, I will look at 12 predictable events and their inherent problems and offer potential solutions. We tend to have a habit of acting surprised when [...]
This game can give Emergency Managers and Planners new tools to help educate with.
Some disasters are slow evolving such as hurricanes which are tracked well before landfall. Others happen with devastating suddenness such as the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan earlier this [...]
The facts are hard to deny regarding the benefits of receiving the seasonal flu shot, and the reasonable arguments against it are few. If Emergency Management is trying to mitigate [...]
I asked the question: "Are we better prepared post September 11, 2001?" We discussed "Are we safer, both here in the United States, and since we declared a global war [...]
This settlement sends a message and sets a clear precedent on how future performance of hospitals during disasters will be judged. In conducting the cost benefit assessment of disaster preparedness, [...]
A recent story about the deaths of a woman and injury to others points out the gaps that remain after untold billions of dollars spent on response to terrorism programs. [...]
With all the pontificating about having thwarted all kinds of terrors attacks in and past ten years at massive cost, why now the sudden disclosure of a credible threat? Why [...]
I’d like to pose a two part question. Part one, if tomorrow was that last day of your life, what would you choose to do? Would it be spent [...]